Letting anger go

With all that is going on lately I find myself getting angry a lot. I even find myself disliking people over it. I have been praying for the peace we are offered as followers of Christ. I have been reciting “God turns all bad to good for those that love Him” to try to make myself feel better. But you never feel better if you don’t truly believe it. And you can’t truly believe it if you don’t understand why you can believe it. This morning was my “aha” moment. That moment God impresses His word on your heart one more time and you finally understand. God doesn’t allow evil to exist without reason. All of this is to fulfill a purpose. His purpose. Why should I be angry at something that He is allowing to fulfill His purpose. Just because I don’t understand it doesn’t mean I should get angry at it. I don’t understand why He stops the ocean where He does. I don’t understand why He makes a sunrise and sunset so amazingly beautiful. He certainly doesn’t need my understanding to do His work and I don’t need to understand His reasoning to trust Him. I know God is good. He is love. God will not allow the storm to rage one second longer than required to fulfill His purpose. This is why we can live without fear. This is why we can live with peace. This is why we don’t have to be the loudest in the room. We simply live as the word directs and trust in Him. Simple. It is the enemy that complicates things. So, when we feel the anger build, and we feel the complications of life start to weigh us down…remember the simplicity that is our Saviour. Remember His offer in Matthew 11:28-30: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Receive His offer and live in restful peace. Oh, how He loves us! Put your trust in Him today and everyday!

His purpose alone

This is part of the prophesy of Jesus, written hundreds of years before He came. Two sentences stick out to me. “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” And “a man of suffering, familiar with pain” He was not sent here in the name of beauty. He was never meant for that. His looks and stature in life were never what was important. He was sent here with a purpose and He lived for that alone. He was always meant to take all the pain of sin and bear it so that someday we will no longer feel it. We may suffer for a little while but joy comes in the morning! (Psalm 30:5) Some sweet day we will rest in the true beauty of our Lord who understands our pain. Just look at how He was rejected and eventually “pierced for our transgressions”. These actions were prophesied long before they happened! Jesus always knew. He was never surprised by the actions that took place, yet He came here anyway. He isnt surprised by your actions either, yet He sent you here anyway. You are here for a purpose. Maybe you dont feel you have great beauty that attracts others to you. Maybe you strive for that. You dont have to. Maybe you feel that you suffer great pains and no one could possibly understand. There is a Man that does understand every bit of it, and He is a Man that promised to turn all bad to good if you will just give it to Him(Romans 8:28). “By his wounds, we are healed” Resurrect what Jesus has put inside of you. We all have purpose. My prayer is that we all see that, understand it, and live for that purpose alone. In Christ name, Amen